Perhaps one reason I never get Bridezillas is that I weed them out early.
I like to meet with brides and grooms in person, to get to know more about them, about their likes and dislikes, and about their vision for their perfect wedding. By getting to know them a bit, I can better personalize their entertainment, and try to come up with creative ideas to make their reception reflect their style and personalities.
For some people, it’s easy. And for most engaged couples, their vision for their wedding is similar, even if they don’t agree on every detail. Usually, the groom will defer to the bride on issues of decorating, and couples rarely have major disagreements.
This one did!
From the beginning, something did not seem right about this couple. The groom seemed content, but the bride did not seem very happy, and she argued with almost everything her fiancé said. This didn’t look like the beginning of a happy marriage.
It was evident they had done very little planning for their wedding, which was only 4 weeks away. They had not yet mailed invitations, still disagreeing over how many and whom to invite. I began to get the feeling that this bride was in no hurry to get hitched!
As we discussed the sequence of events for their reception, the bride suddenly insisted that she wanted a formal receiving line. This was a surprise to the groom, who questioned the idea, and I suddenly found myself in the midst of warring factions!
I tried to tactfully present the pros and cons of having a receiving line* from a neutral position, but it was clear that something was bothering this bride besides the planning details.
Suddenly she got up and announced she was leaving, and was tired of the groom picking on her! Before anyone could say a word, she was gone – Runaway Bride!

She couldn't get out fast enough!
The poor embarrassed groom got up, apologized politely, and explained that he had to go, since he was her ride. I told him I understood, and he left. The poor guy! He was like a deer in the headlights, not expecting this at all.
But it gets worse! Ten minutes later he called on the phone, even more embarrassed, and asked if he had left his wallet in my office. I looked, and sure enough, it was on the floor under the desk. He said he would be back in ten minutes to retrieve it.
That must have been ten minutes in Hell with Bridezilla!
I never heard from them again, but I expect to get a call from the groom, just as soon as he finds another bride.
My perfect “No Bridezillas” record remains intact.
* Receiving line Pros: elegant, traditional, important if Dad is running for elected office; Cons: time consuming, can be intimidating to guests and socially awkward.