35 Things Learned in 35 Years #4

In 35 Things Learned in 35 Years by djscottshirley

4) Find a Way!

There is always a way to make it work!

This ties in with “Always have a Plan B,” but with a touch of McGyver creativity added. This is more of a mindset and a Point of View, a paradigm that makes problem solving easier. It is our mantra at Party Machine Celebrations.

When the photographer failed to show up at a wedding reception, the wedding coordinator became paralyzed – she didn’t have the photographer’s phone number, nor any clue how to proceed! I intervened and recruited three wedding guests with cameras, and stationed them around the ballroom to get pictures of the Grand Entrance. The bride got pictures of her reception, we never heard from the photographer, and the wedding coordinator is never getting referrals from anyone who was there – but the event was a success regardless.

The Party Machine always finds a way to make it work!