Another Aggie Wedding Tradition

In College Traditions, Let them eat cake!, Texas Aggie Weddings, Weddings! by djscottshirley

The first time I saw one, I thought it was clever.

Then I learned that lots of people have had one.

We’re talking about the Aggie Bonfire groom’s cake. In the years since the bonfire disaster, many good Ags who have never been to an official Bonfire, could at least have one at their wedding.

A properly engineered Bonfire Cake

History of the Aggie Bonfire (courtesy of the Texas A & M Traditions Council)

“The first Aggie Bonfire began in the early 1900’s as a pile of wood and trash next to the train station. The cadets decided to make a Bonfire to congratulate the football team on their win. Although this first Bonfire was held in the early morning hours of November 18, 1907, the first on-campus Aggie Bonfire was not held until 1909.

“Bonfire grew immensely through the years. The largest Bonfire was in 1969 and stood 109ft., which is only one foot shorter than Rudder tower. After that, the administration decided to regulate the Bonfire height to 55ft.

“There have been two years that Bonfire did not burn. First, in 1963, following the death of President John F. Kennedy, the senior class made one of the most difficult decisions of their time at Texas A&M. In honor of their president, they decided to dismantle the Bonfire, which had recently been completed. The head yell leader at the time, Mike Marlowe, was quoted as saying, “It is the most we have and the least we can give.”

“The second time that Bonfire was built and did not burn was in 1999. On November 18th, Bonfire fell, taking 12 of our fellow Aggies with it. This day was one of the most trying days for Aggies everywhere. At this time, Bonfire has been postponed indefinitely and no one knows if Bonfire will return. The Aggie Spirit has created the Aggie Traditions and that Aggie Spirit will thrive through the trying times.”

Lots of good bakeries can make an Aggie Bonfire cake. Call PM Celebrations to find one in your area.